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SYFIT X FAQ...What are the benefits of incorporating isometric training and using it as part of this training system?
A…. 1...The first major benefit from incorporating isometric training would be to teach proper position, which means correct technique and injury free training.
Strengthen the bottom and/or the top position of an exercise and everything in the middle will fall into place.” Isometrics, even if brief in duration, accomplish this goal.
Using the isometrics, you have less distraction and more time under tension in those particular positions to “feel” the proper muscles working and understand how to get there.
2...Maximum intramuscular tension is attained for only a brief period in dynamic exercises (mostly due to the fact that the resistance has velocity and acceleration components), while in isometric exercises you can sustain that maximal tension for a longer period of time.
3...The next benefit is active flexibility, this is only the case when the isometric contraction is at the deepest joint angle possible (while maintaining position).
As fatigue sets in, you’ll pull yourself lower and lower developing greater ROM (range of motion) using strength. Research has shown that the increase in lactic acid and metabolites at the extreme end ranges of motion has also been shown to increase fascia thickness in elongated states.
SYFIT X FAQ...How many forms of Isometric training is there?
There are two basic types of isometrics, yielding and overcoming. Both have very separate and distinct training effects.
Yielding is holding a given load at a particular angel (typically bottom of movement) for a designated time. This fatigues the muscle and has a major training effect on your connective tissue or series elastic component of the muscle.
This is great for strengthening tendons and fascia and is an excellent preparatory stage for speed strength or plyometric work.
Yielding isometrics, in the stretch range, shorter then 10 seconds with heavy loads, are great for strength and carry over well into full range strength.
In other words, if you increase the weight you can lift at the bottom of a squat, you will increase the weight you can lift at the top of a squat. If you increase the weight you lift at the bottom of a bench press, you'll also increase the weight at the top.
Overcoming isometrics on the other hand is for sticking points and generating power. Overcoming isometrics have also been referred to as sticking point training, where the trainee will exert maximal force against an immovable object at a particular joint angle.
SYFIT X FAQ...How long is the isometric part of each set?
The total isometric part of the set is 36 seconds in total. This is made up of 8 isometric holds, the longest being 8 seconds and the shortest being 1 second.
References and Sources of Information
For further information on this topic see the following:
Advanced Studies in Physical Education and Sport, P Beashel et al.
Physical Education and the Study of Sport, B. Davis et al.
Essentials of Exercise Physiology, W. D. McArdle et al.
Physical Education and Sport Studies, D. Roscoe et al.
The World of Sport Examined, P. Beashel et al.
Advanced PE for Edexcel, F. Galligan et al.
Examining Physical Education, K. Bizley
Sport and PE, K Wesson et al.
PE for you, J. Honeybourne
Strength and Conditioning for games players, C. Brewer
Explosive Power and Strength, D. A. Chu
Serious Strength Training, T. O. Bompa et al.
Strength Training Anatomy, F. Delavier
Strength Training for Coaches, B. Pauletto
Strength Training for Athletes, M. A. Winch
Strength Conditioning with Medicine Balls, M. Jones
Medicine Ball Training, Z. Tenke et al.
Circuit Training for all Sports, M. Scholich
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