Sustanon 250 was developed by Organon as an ideal HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) solution, and it was thought at the time that the different esters would be able to provide a constant release of Testosterone over a months time.
Sustanon is a blend of different estered testosterones (4 of them): testosterone propionate - 30 mg, testosterone phenylpropionate - 60 mg, testosterone isocaproate - 60mg, and testosterone decanoate -100 mg.
Sustanon 250 was highly sought after as a "superior" version of testosterone in the late 80´s and through the mid 90´s. No doubt this is partly due to the very nice write-up Dan Duchaine gave it in his newsletters. However, lets keep in mind that sus was designed for convenience, not athletics or bodybuilding.
The advantage to sus, according to the manufacturer, is that it can be injected once a month, and the different esters would provide different timed releases over that month, and the patient would therefore only need to visit the doctor once a month for his shot.
For athletes or bodybuilders (who routinely use between half a gram and a gram of testosterone per week), sustanon 250 really is no better than any other form of injectable testosterone.
Testosterone will cause both muscle growth as well as fat loss. It sends a message to muscle cells to store more contractile protein (called actin and myosin), thus making your muscles grow.
It also protects your muscles from catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones(1). Thus it is often said that testosterone is not only anabolic, but it is strongly catabolic.
Not only does it cause an increase in size of the muscle fibres (hyperfascia) but it also can change the appearance and the actual number of muscle fibres (Hyperplasia)(2). Testosterone has the ability to increase erythropoiesis (red blood cell production) in your kidneys(4), and a higher Red Blood Cell (RBC) count may improve endurance by producing more highly oxygenated blood.
More RBCs can also improve recovery from strenuous physical activity. Agression levels often rise dramatically with the use of any exogenous testosterone (3). Testosterone improves muscle contraction by increasing the number of motor neutrons in muscle(5) and improves neuromuscular transmission(6). It also promotes glycogen synthesis(7)
Since Sustanon is simply a form of (well actually 4 forms of) testosterone, we also know that administration of the sustanon compound will produce a dose respondant curve. (10)A what? Yeah...basically a "dose respondant curve" is the fancy way of saying "the more you take, the bigger you get..."
This is true of Sustanon 250 as well as for every form of testosterone, up to a point.
Unfortunately, Sustanon 250 will also do all of the bad things that any form of testosterone is known for:
Sus will convert to the female hormone estrogen (via a mechanism known as aromatization) by the (you guessed it) aromatize enzyme. Excessive estrogen can lead to unwanted side effects, such as acne, the growth of breast tissue (gynecomastia), fat gain and reduced fat breakdown, loss of sex drive, testicular shrinkage and water retention. Water retention can increase blood pressure weakening blood vessels over time. Unfortunately, this isn´t all sustanon does. It can also interact with the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme.
This interaction converts the testosterone to Dihydro-testosterone (DHT), a more androgenic form of the parent hormone. DHT has a high binding affinity to the tissues of the scalp resulting in hair loss in loss in users who suffer from male pattern baldness. DHT can affect the prostate as well, making it larger. This swelling can cause the gland to press against the bladder causing urinary problems.
Drugs called 5alpha-reductase inhibitors can prevent these symptoms without blocking testosterone´s anabolic effects.(8) Higher dosages of test can also negatively impact cholesterol, lowering HDL(9). Testosterone is probably the safest steroid around, but it can´t be taken lightly, and Sustanon is no different.
The principal drawback to Sustanon is it´s cost. It can cost between $5 an ampule and $12 an ampule. Compared with Omnadren, Testoviron, or even Sten (other testosterone products featuring various blends of Testosterone), the cost makes it prohibitive. An equal amount of an of the aforementioned products can be had for less than half the average cost of an amp of Sustanon. Sustanon, therefore, is no better or worse than any other form of testosterone... if the price is right.
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