The Gold package will be designed to meet the needs of the individual using the information given to us at the consultation stage.
The workouts will be sent out on a weekly basis and will cover the full week. We do ask all clients to keep a daily journal so that we can adjust workouts as and when required.
Our supplemental advice is optional and only given as advice. Check with a qualified health care professional before taking any product if you are pregnant, nursing a baby, under 18 years of age, or if you have any known suspected medical conditions and stroke or are taking any prescription or OTC medication(s).
The Live 1-2-1 webcam Q&A/Motivational is a 30 minute once a month session. We ask clients to book sessions 2 weeks in advance. Once a session is booked we send you a conformation email stating the time and date. Our GOLD and GOLD Plus members will always take piority.
We also offer unlimited email support. We endeavor to reply to all emails within 24 hours, excluding public holidays when we will reply on the next working day.
Your first payment will be $116.00 this will cover the first and last months payments. Monthly payments of $58 will be due one month to the day of the consultation form being emailed back to Sy-Fit. (ex…if a consultation form is returned on the 15th of Sept, the first payment will be due on 15th of Oct)
We require a 30 day cancellation notice to end your contract by email. If payment is late we have the right to charge your account a $25.00 late fee.
The initial nutritional plan will be changed/adjusted every 4 weeks. We will take into consideration your lifestyle, schedule when designing your custom made food plan.
We are sorry but no refund will be made after payment has been accepted.
By clicking and making payment for this package you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions set out above.
Once payment has been made please complete the consultation form at the bottom of the page.
SY-FIT GOLD MEMBERSHIP $116 first payment and $58 per month there after
After making payment please complete and submit the consultation form below
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Gold members monthly payments